Important notice to customers — product packaging changesLearn More


From August 2018, customers will notice our rebranded food packaging start to appear on shelf in all major stockists.

  • CURRENT Packaging
  • new Packaging

We are excited to announce our new packaging will start to appear on shelf from August 2018. This transition to new packaging will occur over a number of months. During this time there will be a mix of current and new packaging on shelf.

There are no major changes to these products, in some instances there is a small name change or slight recipe improvement, see below for the full details.

Products purchased via the website will be delivered to customers in our old packaging until the end of October. From November, products ordered from the website will be delivered in the new packaging.

Please note, our Infant Formula packaging will not be rebranded until later in 2019.

For any questions, connect with our team of accredited practising Dietitians on +61 3 6332 9200

Product name changes

  • Cereal Name Changes
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Baby Rice
  • NEW Packaging Organic Rice with Prebiotic (GOS) Note: Our Baby Rice recipe has been upgraded to now include GOS Prebiotic
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Vanilla Rice Custard
  • NEW Packaging Organic Milk & Vanilla Baby Rice
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Apple & Cinnamon Porridge
  • NEW Packaging Organic Apple & Cinnamon Baby Porridge
  • Ready To Serve Name Changes
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Banana, Pear & Mango
  • New Packaging Organic Banana, Pear, Apple & Mango
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Mango, Blueberry & Apple
  • New Packaging Organic Blueberry, Mango & Apple
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Peach & Apple
  • New Packaging Organic Grape, Apple & Peach
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Pumpkin & Tomato Risotto
  • New Packaging Organic Pumpkin, Sweet Potato & Tomato
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Broccoli, Beef & Brown Rice
  • New Packaging Organic Beef & Vegetables
  • Note: We have also upgraded some of our RTS recipes to remove added sugars and to remove some of the more complex ingredients that are not required for young children such as Tamari.
  • CURRENT Packaging Organic Milk Rusks Toothiepegs
  • New Packaging Organic Milk Rusks
Home/Nutrition & Recipes/Articles/Lifestyle/Why and How to Develop A Social Skill for Kids

Why and How to Develop A Social Skill for Kids

As your child gets older, social skills are developed somewhat differently from one another. For instance, a toddler won’t pick up new abilities like a child in school might. Children’s skills will differ based on their needs and environment. As they mature, their capabilities become more and more consolidated. It is crucial to teach children social skills from a young age and to build on those skills as they become older. This will help them develop their skills to evolve into fully-fledged adults. Whether through a school-based socio-emotional program or a parent-led approach, many positive outcomes are associated with instruction in social skills

Come, let’s look at ways a child can benefit from learning social skills and the type of activities to improve social skills.

Benefits of a child learning social skills

    1. Efficient Communication
      Talking to your child and young children is essential as it helps them bond with you and learn to communicate with others. The key to effective communication with children is to listen to them and talk to them in ways that make them feel like they matter. Kids learn how to interact with others more effectively when they have positive communication experiences with adults. Therefore, building children’s social abilities can help them have better relationships with others throughout their lives.
    2. Problem-Solving
      Children that are well-adjusted socially and get along well with others will find it simpler to establish friends. It has been shown that having friends as a child benefits their emotional development. Advanced social abilities, such as problem-solving and conflict resolution, can be honed through friendship.
    3. Cooperating with Others
      Cooperation is the process of working together to accomplish something to help a child learn social skills. Just like when cooperating children respond politely to adults’ requests. They add to the group by contributing to it and participating in the activities. The ability to work with others is crucial for social harmony. A child’s ability to work with peers is essential in the classroom and on the playground.
    4. Practice Active Listening
      The importance of listening attentively, taking notes, and processing what is being taught grows as a kid progresses through school. You may help a youngster improve their listening skills by giving them lots of opportunities to do so.
    5. Using Manners
      Teaching a child social skills is an excellent way to help them develop good manners as well. A child’s ability to command positive attention can be significantly enhanced by simple etiquette such as saying “please” and “thank you” and eating with grace. A well-behaved child will earn the admiration of teachers, parents, and peers. However, children must learn to behave politely and respectfully in social situations, such as when visiting someone else’s house or attending a new school.
    6. Set and Keep Boundaries
      A child’s many advantages from developing their social abilities are an increased awareness of and respect for others’ personal space. There are those children who like to keep things close. Some people, unaware they are making their friends and acquaintances uncomfortable, climb up into their laps. Teach your children to respect their own space and the space of others.

Type of Activities to Improve Social Skills
To encourage the early development of social skills, toddlers can participate in various easy-to-implement activities. Before age three, children rarely engage in cooperative play, preferring to play independently while enjoying one another’s company. Pretend play is something they are just getting into, and they enjoy playing it by attempting to mimic others, both children and adults. Let’s look at the types of Social Skills-Building Activities for Toddlers, Ages 1-3, and Pre-schoolers, Ages 4-6. 💙

Activities for toddlers (1-3years)

    1. Rhythm Games
      Whether you’re at home or in the classroom, rhythm games can be a fun way to help kids interact with one another and build social skills. Your child can use imagination while learning to follow directions and spot patterns in these musical games. Children can learn to compete with consideration for others and an acceptance of occasional loss by playing musical games like musical chairs, which have rules they must follow.
    2. Giving a Toy to a toddler
      Your child’s innate desire to play can be used in these social skills activities. When playing with your child, use toys such as stuffed animals or dolls as a medium for interaction. Children learn to recognize behaviours and express emotions by conversing with their toys. They can play with the toys and practice their social skills in a safe, low-stakes environment without worrying about harming the toys.
    3. Following the Leader
      This timeless classic is great for toddlers because it teaches them to follow instructions. Let’s pick a single person to take charge. Because of language barriers, it may be necessary to take the lead initially or rely solely on physical cues when dealing with younger children. Get the kids to do what the leader says by “calling out” or “acting out” certain motions.

Activities for Pre-Schoolers (4-6 years)

    1. Simon Says
      A social skill activity that pre-schoolers should practice to improve their social skills. In this game, one player takes on the role of “Simon” and issues orders to the others. Pre-schoolers can be given more challenging instructions with multiple steps if necessary. For instance, you could “jump twice, clap your hands, and turn around.” Keep in mind that if they give a child direction without prefacing them with “Simon says…” the child will not comply. If that happens, they will be kicked to the curb.
    2. Freeze Dance
      Children find great joy in moving to the beat. This is a light-hearted and easy one. Kids will start dancing to the music, but as soon as you turn it off, they’ll “freeze.” In addition, you can add some variety by instructing them to dance at varying tempos in response to the music.
    3. Team Sports
      The caregiver, teacher, or coach should set a good example by showing grace under adversity. Team sports are an excellent way for kids to make new friends and get some exercise, and they aren’t just limited to organized school leagues or recreational leagues. Team sports teach young people to cooperate with others and maintain their attention to a task. They also learn to respond appropriately to positive and negative outcomes, such as when a teammate is hurt or when they score a goal.

A lack of social skills can indicate other issues, though it may require additional reinforcement and maturation to catch up. Do consult a medical professional if you notice that your child is having more difficulty developing appropriate social skills than other kids their age. Children with mental health issues, such as ADHD or autism, may lag behind their peers in social development. A doctor will be able to evaluate your child and advise you on whether or not they need treatment to develop better social skills.

With EQUISPIRE Step 3 Toddler Milk Drink & EQUINUTRI Step 4 Junior Milk Drink, it can help support your child’s social skills develop from a few words to sentences with sufficient DHA, GOS and 16 essential vitamins and minerals. Always A Pure Start To Life, at Bellamy’s Organic EQUISPIRE. Shop now at Shopee or Lazada 💙

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Important Notice to Parents and Guardians

  • Breast milk is the best for babies. The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life. Unnecessary introduction of bottle feeding or other food and drinks will have a negative impact on breastfeeding. After six months of age, infants should receive age-appropriate foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond. Consult your doctor before deciding to use infant formula or if you have difficulty breastfeeding.